Because of the ever-changing demographics in schools, leaders must be able to shape a vision for academic success; create a high-performance learning culture; cultivate leadership in others; improve instruction; and know how to manage people, data, and processes in an era of accountability. Leadership is the fundamental element that can drive an organization to tremendous success. There is quite a bit of research that validates the effect great leaders have on student success. The factor most often quoted as improving student success is the principal’s effectiveness as a school’s instructional leader. To be effective, leaders must have knowledge, skills, talent, and dispositions that students cannot acquire in college courses alone and can only be mastered with opportunities to learn from outstanding professional leaders.
Including LeaderSims in your school leader development program will allow current and aspiring leaders to practice dealing with challenging scenarios in a safe space. Simulations can be used in group meetings, asynchronously, or both. Simulations are proven to improve judgment and decision-making so that when aspiring leaders become sitting leaders, they are ready for the challenges of the job.