Grant Writing Resources for Professional Development

Discover the untapped potential of grant and funding opportunities for quality professional development in your school districts. Many districts need to be made aware of available resources and need guidance on essential information and sources. SchoolSims aims to support you throughout your grant writing journey, assisting with understanding requirements, accessing funds, implementing programs, and measuring success. Our experiential learning simulations are invaluable tools, aiding school leaders in building Experience Portfolios to navigate challenging scenarios effectively. A grant incorporating simulations provides access to our library and the option to collaborate on developing new titles and content. Begin your grant writing journey with us – learn more!

Collecting the Basic Information for a Grants is Key

Getting started with grant writing can take time and effort. Collecting necessary information before starting is crucial to the grant writing process. To set you up for success, SchoolSims is making available a guide with what to collect upfront so that you are prepared to dive in—a special thanks to K20Connect for assisting with this endeavor.

While this guide may be helpful, you may need additional help. If you want us to write the grant for or with you, click here, and we can set up a brief call to discuss how SchoolSims and K20Connect can help.

Watch our Webinar on Title Funds

Title Funding is one great resource for professional development funding. Check out our webinar entitled: Leveraging the CARES Act for Quality PD to learn how to use the funding to secure professional development tools.

In addition to Title Funding information, we discuss the CARES Act, GEER, carryover for waivers, and microgrants.

Acquiring Professional Development Using Title Funds

By downloading our information sheets, learn more about funding sources such as the CARES Act, GEER, carryover for waivers, and microgrants.

Please enter your email below to request your title funding for professional development sheets.