Community Partnerships – Digital Readiness

~45 minutes

In this simulation, co-authored with the National Parent-Teacher Association, you will be addressing communication strategies as they relate to Community Partnerships, one of the seven gears within the Future Ready Framework. In the role of superintendent, you will work with your leadership team and community members to optimize the roll-out of technology to your district. In an era of connectivity and connectivity gaps, being strategic about how you meet families and the community where they become critical to the inclusive learning community you strive to create.

Key characters include a local business owner and parent, assistant superintendent who is new to the district, various district-level administrators, most promoted from within, who have financial, curriculum, IT, and professional development areas of responsibility

Trade-offs to consider:

  • Balancing strategic considerations with tactical concerns, keeping an eye on the long-term while addressing immediate needs
  • [In an era of connectivity and connectivity gaps, being strategic about how you meet families and the community where they are becomes critical to the inclusive learning community you strive to create.]

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Created in partnership with PTA and Future Ready Schools