By Danielle Miller
By Danielle Miller
Over the last couple of centuries, technology in the classroom has transformed completely. In 1930, the overhead projector was introduced to the classroom to display images for the entire class to see. In 1972, handheld calculators made student’s lives easier to help quickly solve math problems, and in 1991, the first portable computer allowed users to have the world wide web at their fingertips. It is clear that technology plays a massive role in the way we navigate in and out of the classroom.
According to a study done by Gallup Inc, “About two-thirds of teachers (65%) say they use digital learning tools to teach every day; 22% use them a few days a week, and 13% use them once or less per week. Also, more teachers (64%), principals (73%), and administrators (66%) than students (42%) themselves say students would like to use digital learning tools more often to learn” (Education Technology Use in Schools Student and Educator Perspectives). Digital technology has become so widespread in schools however, the key is knowing how to use it.
How to Use Educational Technology
The U.S Department of Education has found significant evidence that technology is “integral to achieving significant improvements in productivity.” Technology helps support teaching and learning while infusing classrooms with digital learning tools, increasing student engagement, motivation, and accelerating learning. Educational technology offers endless opportunities in the classroom, but three ways offer the most significant impact.
Virtual Classrooms and Online Learning
Real-Time Feedback
Collaborative Learning
Simulations as a Form of Educational Technology
While simulation is a technique, today, we have the technology to put it into action efficiently. New technologies enable us to offer web-based simulations with advanced, mobile-friendly tools that personalize the entire journey for each employee. Finally, new simulation technology enables us to have fast and accurate results regarding each employee’s progression, so it is possible to track and optimize the learning content and environment. It is an authentic online learning experience that offers both real-time feedback and collaborative learning.
Interested in Learning More About Simulations?
Education Technology Use in Schools Student and Educator Perspectives.
EdTech Staff. “A Brief History of the Evolution of Classroom Technology [#Infographic].” Technology Solutions That Drive Education, 2016, Accessed 23 June 2021.
LSU Online. “How Instructional Technology Can Improve the Learning Process.”, LSU Online, 8 May 2020, Accessed 23 June 2021.
“Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning | U.S. Department of Education.”, 2021, Accessed 23 June 2021.