Evidence of the Impact of Simulations on School Leader Development and Preparation

November 10, 2022

In this webinar, our panel of experts in educational leadership, Sara Dexter, Ed.D., Jennifer Bailey, Ed.D., David De Jong, Ed.D., Mike Johanek, Ed.D., and Trent Grundmeyer, Ph.D., discuss their research on school leader preparation and development and the impact of experiential learning opportunities through simulations.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

The purpose of this webinar is to provide context for the potential impact of simulation practice as a targeted professional development method that may go beyond pre-service preparation and continue as a learning pathway for in-service school leaders by examining the most recent research on leadership development. Please click here to download the PowerPoint Presentation.

Meet the Panelists:

  • Dr. Sara Dexter – Associate Professor, Administration & Supervision, Department of Leadership, Foundations & Policy

    Co-Director, CASTLE of UCEA (Center for the Advanced Study of Technology in Leadership Education, of the University Council of Educational Administration)

  • Dr. David De Jong – Dean of the College of Education at Dakota State University and President of the International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL). His previous experience includes serving as a teacher, coach, principal, superintendent, associate professor, and chair of the Division of Educational Leadership in the School of Education at the University of South Dakota.
  • Dr. Jennifer Bailey – Assistant Professor of Practice at the University of Texas at Tyler, Teaches Graduate Programs for Principal Preparation and Curriculum and Instruction, Former Campus Principal and Central Office Administrator
  • Dr. Mike Johanek – Senior Fellow at the Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Division, University of Pennsylvania, Director of the Mid-Career Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership, Director of the Penn Educational Leadership Simulations and The Judgement Project
  • Dr. Trent Grundmeyer – Associate Professor Educational Leadership, Faculty Administrative Fellow for Graduate Programs, School of Education | Drake University

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SchoolSims participants are afforded opportunities to work through authentic school-based issues and practice decision-making to improve learning and retention. By expanding their experience portfolio, aspiring and sitting school leaders and teachers build resilience and extend their capacity to prepare them for real-life challenges.

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SchoolSims provides a powerful and affordable way to deliver highly effective training for school leaders and teachers. Current and aspiring leaders and teachers are offered a chance to experience real-life scenarios that depict true events but in a simulated setting. Since there aren’t always right or wrong answers when it comes to human behavior, experimentation is encouraged within the simulation, as there is no way to fail. Participants practice critical thinking and are encouraged to discuss the reasons behind their choices, allowing for peer-to-peer learning.