Effective Virtual Simulations for Remote K-12 Professional Development
May 26, 2020
If simulations approximate experience, why isn't everyone using them? People think instruction equals learning but it is NOT the same thing. We learn from our experiences and the best learning comes from making mistakes and failing (constructively). The stakes are high in schools, as children and families are involved. The situations are complicated with a lot of stakeholder demands and little overlap. There is often no way to satisfy all demands. View the webinar with ParentSquare to learn more.
Ed Leadership Sims provides great, online PD opportunities for K-12 leadership to critically think about decision-making and it’s impact in relation to specific scenarios. At ParentSquare, we support school leaders and educators tackling multiple stakeholders’ needs every day — especially those who leverage school-home communications for parent engagement — while making it easier for everyone involved.
In this webinar, Ken Spero the Founder of Ed Leadership Sims will run an actual school closure simulation with attendees, to give us a first-hand understanding. Participants will work together to contemplate and make decisions. We’ll explore the impact learning simulations can have for staff and educators facing both everyday and complex situations, by preparing staff and educators for situations before facing them in real life.
When confronted with challenging situations, school leaders sift through their past experiences searching for relevant instances from which to draw knowledge. If learning from your mistakes is the best way to experience growth, how do we provide these learning experiences to current and aspiring leaders?
At SchoolSims, we have created the solution by providing manufactured experiences through online, software simulations that assist in growing current and aspiring school leaders. Simulations can be facilitated in-person or through any online meeting service. When gathering in groups is discouraged or not possible, online simulation training can be safely and effectively deployed.