Panel Webinar Event: A Discussion With Experts in Educational Leadership

April 7, 2022

In this webinar, experts in Educational Leadership discuss how simulations play an integral role in the effectiveness of many of the top Educational Leadership Graduate Programs in the country. Representatives of these programs will discuss the integration of simulations into each of the panelists' Educational Leadership Graduate Programs and how districts can enhance their principal pipeline and professional development programs with this experiential learning tool.


In this session, our Ed Leadership expert panelists will give their thoughts and answer these critical questions many educators have about simulations:

  • To what extent can simulations prepare learners to be effective professionals? Can we “trust” them as formative or summative assessments?
  • Are we now in a new normal post-pandemic? Are simulations more so-called for now than ever before? And might this mean we no longer need field-based experiences to prepare professionals?

Missed the live recording? Download the presentation slides here.

Meet the Panelists:

  • Sara Dexter Ed.D.
    • Associate Professor: Senior Associate Director, UCEA; Program Coordinator, Administration & Supervision at the University of Virginia. Technology leadership, integration, and implementation in K-12 schools. Digital practicum in educational leadership.
  • Ginger S. Watson, Ph.D.
    • Associate Professor, Instructional Technology/Learning Sciences/Simulation Curriculum, Instruction, & Special Education, School of Education & Human Development at the University of Virginia.
  • Sheila D. Moore, Ph.D.
    • Visiting Lecturer Educational Leadership Program College of Community, Innovation, and Education at the University of Central Florida. Department of Educational Leadership and Higher Education.
  • Erin W. Murray
    • UCAPP Program Coordinator/Adjunct Professor Administrator Preparation Program (UCAPP) Department of Educational Leadership University of Connecticut, Neag School of Education.
  • Alejandro Gonzalez Ojeda, Ph.D.
    • Assistant professor of educational leadership at San Diego State University, and a technology leader at Health Sciences High & Middle College.
  • Michael C. Johanek, Ed.D.
    • Senior Fellow at the Teaching, Learning, and Leadership Division, University of Pennsylvania Director of the Mid-Career Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership Director of the Penn Educational Leadership Simulations and The Judgement Project.

SchoolSims Live Demonstration




SchoolSims participants are afforded opportunities to work through authentic school-based issues and practice decision-making to improve learning and retention. By expanding their experience portfolio, aspiring and sitting school leaders and teachers build resilience and extend capacity to prepare them for real-life challenges.

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SchoolSims provides a powerful and affordable way to deliver highly effective training for school leaders and teachers. Current and aspiring leaders and teachers are offered a chance to experience real-life scenarios that depict true events but in a simulated setting. Since there aren’t always right or wrong answers when it comes to human behavior, experimentation is encouraged within the simulation as there is no way to fail. Participants practice critical thinking and are encouraged to discuss the reasons behind their choices which allows for peer-to-peer learning.