Navigating Difficult Conversations: Empowering Tomorrow’s Educators Through Simulation-Based Experiential Learning for Effective Teacher Preparation

June 27, 2024

During this webinar, we will facilitate our Parent-Teacher Conference simulation and discuss how leveraging simulations has prepared thousands of future educators at colleges and universities nationwide.

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Key Webinar Highlights:

  • The Transformative Power of Simulation-Based Experiential Learning: Discover how simulations provide a safe space for future educators to practice critical thinking and handle real-world challenges, bridging the gap between theory and practice.
  • Direct Correlation to Student Achievement: Learn how simulation-based experiential learning improves student achievement and enhances teaching strategies for better educational outcomes.
  • Live Simulation Demonstration: Parent-Teacher Conference: Participate in a live demonstration showcasing the impact of simulations in teacher preparation, providing firsthand experience in preparing future educators for difficult conversations and classroom situations.

Interested in Learning More?

SchoolSims offers a transformative learning experience for professional development in public, private, and independent schools, as well as for future educators in colleges and universities. Simulations are a series of linked scenarios in a choose-your-own-adventure format, where we use both live actors and artificial intelligence to allow learners to experience the consequences of their decisions while bridging the gap between theory and practice.